Occupational Therapy is an area of health that works directly in occupations (activities of daily living such as eating, bathing and dressing, instrumental activities of daily living such as shopping and preparing food, rest and sleep, education and/or work, play, leisure and social participation) and its main objective is to promote participation and participation.
The Occupational Therapist works at all ages and addresses physical, cognitive, psychosocial, sensory and other aspects related to performance, in various contexts, in order to interfere with the person’s involvement in daily activities, promoting health, well-being and quality of life .
The Occupational Therapist begins by evaluating the individual’s sensory, physical, perceptual and social functions, as well as the environmental factors that may be driving their performance in activities. Thus, identify as areas of dysfunction and preparation a structured intervention in relevant activities with goals to be achieved. Alongside this, and whenever necessary, the Occupational Therapist adapts an adequate school and develops technical aids (support products) to facilitate the environment and performance, favoring autonomy.
In the case of children, it is mainly through “playing” that the therapist performs his intervention, in order to enhance sensory processing and integration, fine and global motor skills, graphomotricity, laterality, visual perception, organization and related motor, skills for activities of daily living, socialization, always looking for the child’s involvement in activities in a functional and independent way.
Therefore, whenever there is suspicion of difficulty in the child/adult’s performance in some activity that is important to him or her family, it is recommended to look for an Occupational Therapist.